Start mysql and phpmyadmin sudo service mysql start Kill mysqld after changing the password sudo pkill mysqld
UPDATE user SET authentication_string=PASSWORD('KVCODES') WHERE User='root' FLUSH PRIVILEGES exit // Change your password instead of KVCODESĪnd the second alternative method would be like this ALTER USER IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'KVCODES' The first alternative option would be the below command. Sometimes it wont work, so lets try two more options. mysql -u root mysqlĬhange KVCODES with your new root password UPDATE user SET Password=PASSWORD('KVCODES') WHERE User='root' FLUSH PRIVILEGES exit // Change your password instead of KVCODES So, if you forget the Root password, you can reset with it. Login to MySQL as root without providing password. Start mysqld to access the mysql table directly without mysql Server. Stop the MySQL server to get `mysqld` access to change your admin password. because they may suggested the final step mainly. And some tutorials are not nice to read and follow. By default, cPanel & WHM’s implementation of MySQL stores the MySQL root account password in the /root/.my.cnf configuration file. If an attacker were to compromise this password, they would have access to any of your server’s databases.
Everytime it makes you to feel big to work. This interface allows you to set the MySQL root password. ALTER USER 'root''localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysqlnativepassword BY 'KVCODES' Kill mysqld after changing the password. And the second alternative method would be like this.
Sometimes you might have the problem of resetting your phpmyadmin password. UPDATE user SET authenticationstringPASSWORD('KVCODES') WHERE User'root' FLUSH PRIVILEGES exit // Change your password instead of KVCODES. Resetting or Changing PHPMyAdmin Password On Linux.